Episode 198 – Goooooooo eTeam!

Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash

Rah, rah, sis, boom, bah!
Wizard, Elf, Forward and Halfback

We’re the best of the pack.
Drink that mana, slice that mob, buff your stats & and win that raid!
No better team have you yet played.

Our eTeam is better than your eTeam — We’re the best in the galaxy!

Goooooooo eTeam!

After a flyby (+/- 5 parsecs) of the Star Wars AR Holochess game for your iPhone and the Dent Reality example of using ARKit to enable grocery shoppers the ability to do way finding in the store, identify what would compliment the ingredients already in your cart, and enable faster than light checkouts as the pregame, Michael and Michael kick off this episode of Games at Work, with the crowd roaring for their favorite high school eSports league.  Speculation on eSports having an NCAA equivalent, as according to the post on the NFHS website, over 200 colleges in the US and Canada are not just looking for students with eSports skills, but also offering scholarships.

The film Minority Report has cropped up time and again in our podcast as an example of what the future could bring.  In this episode, we have a story that references the film directly and talks about how rat brains have been used to improve on the machine learning of AI systems (vs neural nets) and that microexpressions and “behavioral anomalies” can be used to identify when a peaceful crowded marketplace may shift to something much more dangerous, and signal to security and safety personnel to move resources closer by.

Turning to our new robotic friends, Michael and Michael reflect on an article about people anthropomorphize their devices, in this particular case, a Rooba the owner called Rosie.  Would you refuse an exchange for your robot friend, or insist that a repair person/drone/robot come out and fix your robot?

Last, harkening back to the SecondLife days, Mashable shares a story on the fun of Fortnight dance parties.  Did I see that avatar do the electric boogaloo?  

Selected Links

TechCrunch article: You can now play Star Wars AR Holochess on your iPhone — https://techcrunch.com/2018/04/18/you-can-now-play-star-wars-ar-holochess-on-your-iphone/ 

Cult of Mac article: See how ARKit will make grocery shopping easier — https://www.cultofmac.com/540037/grocery-shopping-arkit-demo/ 

Dent Reality — https://www.dentreality.com 

TechCrunch article: PlayVS wants every high school to have an esports team — https://techcrunch.com/2018/04/19/playvs-wants-every-high-school-to-have-an-esports-team/ 

National Federation of State High School Associations partnership with PlayVS — http://www.nfhs.org/articles/nfhs-nfhs-network-announce-partnership-with-playvs-to-begin-esports-in-high-schools-nationwide/  

NY Times article: An N.C.A.A. for Esports? Rivals Angle to Govern Campus Video Gaming — https://www.nytimes.com/2017/10/06/sports/esports-ncaa-colleges.html 

The Verge article: Grasshopper is an app for learning JavaScript through mini-games — https://www.theverge.com/2018/4/19/17258694/grasshopper-javascript-mini-games 

Digital Trends article: Crime-predicting A.I. isn’t science fiction.  It’s about to roll out in India — https://www.digitaltrends.com/cool-tech/could-ai-based-surveillance-predict-crime-before-it-happens/ 

Cortica — https://www.cortica.com 

The Verge article: iRobot CEO says the future of the smart home is going to mean making friends with robots — https://www.theverge.com/2018/4/19/17256074/roomba-irobot-ceo-colin-angle 

Mashable article: Turns out ‘Fortnite’ dance parties are way more fun than fighting — https://mashable.com/2018/04/20/fortnite-battle-royale-dance-parties/ 


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