About Michael Rowe

Michael Rowe is the co-founder and co-host of GamesAtWork.biz. He maintains the website http://www.michaelrowe01.com.

Episode 31 – Gaming our Audience

Michael R and Phaedra B finally disprove the rumor that they are the same person by co-hosting a show together for the first time in a long time unfortunately Michael M. was unable to join us. We look at sites and games that are helping students learn more and teachers engage their students more. Sites like Brain Nock and Brain Pop aim to help pull students and teachers into competitions with other schools and classes. Thinking about the holidays makes us decide to brush up on our wine skills, with a few apps, including Blush and Bottlenotes, before we decide … Continue reading

Episode 30 – Gaming Health

A blue moon must have occurred, because Michael M and Michael R are together in the same room for this week’s show. We do, however, miss Phaedra due to circumstances beyond our control. We look at gaming programming education and gaming your health. Michael R. gives a read out on the new class he’s been taking via Code School (check out Episode 12th – Going Oldschool from way back on July 8th). This class allows your to learn iOS programming without investing in a Mac. Then we turn over to discussing Michael M.’s desire to game his work outs, with … Continue reading

Episode 29 – Simon Says

Games don’t stop just because it is a holiday week in the U.S. and neither do podcasts about games at work. After a bit of looking at things differently – can you say might-tight? Our friend Ian Bogost has a new game out, that Michael M. discovered while being all peckish, and we discuss the history and speak a little Latin. When then ask – are persuasive games really that persuasive after all? We also discuss how we can make our mundane, boring, and overloaded todo list much more fun to work on. Or do we? Can you make it … Continue reading

Episode 27 – Creative Spaces

The Michael’s are at it once again, and once again we are stuck with only two of our show hosts. We miss you Phaedra! We decide to have a bit of fun talking about podcasting, social media, and creative 2D spaces from Linden Lab. Michael R. decides to tease Michael M. with his Letterpress strategery. We also discuss how games can become quickly popular and the implications to IT infrastructures, like Apple’s GameCenter platform. Are you using random-social matching for your head to head gaming? Could you do this at work? Michael R. also tries to figure out what Linden … Continue reading