Episode 108 – Oops

This week’s show had some major audio difficulties, so we won’t be posting an edit. However we did talk about Leonard Nimoy’s passing, Google AI that learns and plays computer games, cool innovations in automotive with Elio Motors, the Golden Age of podcasting, and Michael M’s latest game he’s playing Alto’s Adventure.

Show Links:
Google Masters Video Games
Elio Motors
Podcast’s golden age
Alto’s Adventure

Episode 107 – Do Nothing

Michael and Michael talk about the latest IFTTT (IF-This-Then-That) incarnation on iOS, where they are rebranding to “IF” and release some cool new ways to get more and more people engaged with the IFTTT ecosystem. If you are in Las Vegas the Week of Feburary 22nd thru 26th, stop by and see your co-hosts Michael Rowe and Phaedra Boinodirs at the IBM InterConnect conference! We also look at the iOS App WorkFlow and ask for any listener who has tested the pizza button to give us a review of how that worked for you. Michael R also orders a $59 WinBook Tablet. Here’s a review he found on line:

Show Links:
Do App
Workflow for iOS

Episode 106 – Stick it on your face

Face Computer from CES

Face Computer from CES

The Michaels are back for a fun show talking augmented reality and the future of the Microsoft Hololens. We look at VR vs. AR, Oculus vs. Hololens, and what is Google’s play with the reboot of Glass? We also look at a great game you can play at the Air & Space Museum. Could that game benefit from Hololens? And finally we decide to take some downtime from our mobile devices, thanks to the team at New Tech City and their Bored and Brilliant challenge.

If you get a chance please follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, or Tumblr. We’d love to hear from you.

Show Links:
Microsoft Hololens
It’s no joke
History games at Air and Space
New Tech CityBored and Brilliant
Utopia Limited
IBM InterConnect 2015
Lego Movie Game

Yelp Monocole
Glass Back to the Drawing Board
On The Media Podcast
On The Media on Facebook

Episode 105 – Glad to be of Service

Risk game board

Phaedra and Michael M start off the year talking about InterConnect 2015, where Phaedra will be on the main stage speaking about the power of games.  Continuing on into how the card game for Rejection Therapy operates, a couple of throwback shows from Ross Smith’s experiences with personification of water coolers and buildings at Microsoft and David Szilagy’s & Balás Vedres experiences with Gravitent are recalled.

The concept of how brands such as @AmericanAir have a personality based on on the way that people interact with them, or in Ross’ case, how people at Microsoft interacted with a water cooler that expressed sadness when people didn’t drink are compared to granting applications personalities too, so that they may communicate their health, status and engage with their user communities.  Douglas Adams used such personification in how the Hitchhiker Guide to the Galaxy Heart of Gold’s spaceship doors expressed their sentiment “glad to be of service” to people passing through them.

The Gravitalent software for solving the problem of building diverse and compatible teams is combined with the idea of cognitive computing tuning and customizing learning in real time to optimize the information delivery for the learner.  Fascinating concepts now becoming possible with high speed networks, personalization, instant sentiment analysis and cognitive computing.

All this, and Phaedra shares her secret meeting location at Interconnect so that you can find her there!


Selected Links

Interconnect — http://www.ibm.com/cloud-computing/us/en/interconnect/ 

NPR Rejection Therapy story — http://www.npr.org/blogs/health/2015/01/16/377239011/by-making-a-game-out-of-rejection-a-man-conquers-fear

Rejection Therapy — http://rejectiontherapy.com 

GamesAtWork.biz Bubbly Bubblers — https://gamesatwork.biz/2013/09/08/episode-60-bubbly-bubblers-in-gamified-buildings/

GamesAtWork.biz GraviTalent Interview — https://gamesatwork.biz/2014/08/17/episode-91-gravitalent-interview/

GraviTalent — https://gravitalent.com

World of Goo — http://www.bigfishgames.com/games/5079/world-of-goo/?pc