Episode 86 – App Granularity & Gamification

App Granularity & Gamifcation

Sandy, Phaedra and Michael R. are traveling, on vacation or otherwise engaged in important work, so Michael M. takes a shot at a solo show to explore some thinking on how a number of major apps are breaking down their function into smaller bite sized bits and deploying them as individual apps.

Examples of this are FourSquare, with its Swarm app, Facebook, with the Messenger app, alongside some of the recent acquisitions like Instragam and WhatsApp.

Linking to the Gamification theme of this podcast, Michael muses on how this application functionality breakdown allows for smaller component pieces of functionality can be recombined in a way to allow for games and play — how quickly the same exact functions can be reorderd and recombined to create innovative ways to deliver new sets of function from the same component parts.

Michael thanks @AltonBrown for his ‘unitasker’ design language, and Berke Breathed for giving us Opus and the Turnip Twaddler.

A very happy Father’s Day to all the Dads listening in to the podcast!

selected links
Turnip Twaddler vs Swiss Army Knife twitter post — https://twitter.com/carolinabigblue/status/475941050901876737
Berke Breathed —http://berkeleybreathed.com
Berke Breathed / Opus on Turnip Twaddlers — http://www.gocomics.com/bloomcounty/2010/05/08
Alton Brown — http://altonbrown.com
Alton Brown on unitaskers — http://gizmodo.com/5347140/alton-brown-kitchen-gadget-judgment-calls—yea-or-nay
Swarm — https://www.swarmapp.com
Foursquare — https://foursquare.com
Facebook — https://www.facebook.com
Facebook Messenger — https://www.facebook.com/about/messenger
Instagram — http://instagram.com
WhatsApp — http://www.whatsapp.com
Flight Track — http://www.mobiata.com/apps/flighttrack

Episode 85 – SoundScapes

This week we welcome the “Jamie and Adam Savage of Audio” – Scott Looney and Steve Horowitz from the Game Audio Institute to the show. We discuss the importance of sound in game design, as well as have a ton of fun talking the technology of sound. Your co-hosts Sandy Kearney, Michael Martine, and Michael Rowe all chime in on how sound influences the experience of games and learning (We miss you Phaedra!). We also discuss some of the games we are playing. Sandy takes us into the CAVE at Villanova to discuss how sound impacts our emotional impact in a virtual space.


Show Links:
Steve Horowitz
Scott Looney and Metaphysical Media
Game Audio Institute
Learning to do sound design for games
Neuromantic Productions
Interactive Audio Special Interest Group
Sonic Scoop – Review of Scott and Steve’s new book
The Sound Architect – Review
Made Fire
Bit Trip Runner
Farmville 2 – Country Escape
Star Wars Pinball
King of the Road

Episode 84 – Engagement through Gamification

Sandy, Phaedra and Michael M. find the uncommon ties, to bring together people, planet & profitabiliy through the engagement power of gamification in this episode. The discussion spans Human Resoures, with Phaedra speaking in Paris this week, to Nike’s gamification ideas from the Harvard Business Review Game Jam, to Tesla’s strategy to deliver an electric car for everyone. The ideas spark and arc between the co-hosts around ways for how individuals can participate economically in the new opportunties that are opening up through the intersecting business models from Solar City, Schneider Electric and Tesla. Ideas on SMS-based gaming and local events are also discussed, from Saxapahaw, NC’s Switchpoint conference and a teambuilding exercise on Margitsziget in Budapest where Michael plays the role of the “fehér nyúl”.

A very happy Mother’s Day to Sandy, Phaedra and all the Moms listening in to the podcast!

cupcakes & bacon

selected links

Fleming Group’s Global HR Summit in Paris — http://human-resources.flemingeurope.com/gamification-hr-summit
Nike Fuelband — http://www.nike.com/us/en_us/c/nikeplus-fuelband
Jawbone UP — https://jawbone.com/up
Tesla Motors — http://www.teslamotors.com
Solar City — http://www.solarcity.com/
Schneider Electric — http://www.schneider-electric.com/
Switchpoint — http://www.switchpointideas.com
Process Mining — http://www.processmining.org
Professor Wil van der Aalst — http://wwwis.win.tue.nl/~wvdaalst/