e503 — Death Watch

watch face with a representation of death showing 3 o’clock incorporating photo by Amr Taha™ on Unsplash

e503 with Andy, Michael and Michael – stories and discussion on the #DeadInternet, #AI, #recipes, #crowdsourcing #VR, #VirtualWorldsMuseum, #watches such as the #Pixel3, #CasioRingWatch and much more. Continue reading

e501 — Dumb Users, Smart AI 

sticker reading “Smart Phones | Dumb People!” on an electrical cabinet in the foreground of a street scene

e501 with Michael R and Andy – all about outsourcing intelligence to #AI, protecting your #data after #death, #AR #glasses, #Diablo & #Civ game ports, #backdoors and more! Continue reading

e493 — A VR Merry Holiday

festive lights

e493 with Andy, Michael & Michael — all things #VR, from #AndroidXR & Project #Moohan to #GorillaTag to the #NFL #Funday crossovers with the #Simpsons and a whole lot more! Continue reading

e492 — Flexi Festivus

LED holiday string lights

e492 with Michael & Michael — #holiday desktop #decorations, #AR, #ImmersiveVideo in sports, user experience and interaction and a whole lot more! Continue reading