Episode 243 — Droning on about Robots

Bots, drones, and immersive Star Wars & World of Warcraft experiences. Continue reading

Episode 240 — Game of Life

game board with playing pieces

Gamification of drivers for ride sharing apps, AR and AI in the car, the pool and in deepfake-generated art. Continue reading

Episode 235 — Bots on Batuu

stormtrooper & c3po

VR, AR, music and droids of all sorts: iRobot, Laundroid, and of course the Star Wars variety, as seen at the newly opened Disney’s Galaxy’s Edge land. Continue reading

Episode 234 – Bots in Cars

robotic driver

Augmented reality in multiple forms, gamification for warehouse productivity Star Wars and Ford pairing a bipedal delivery robot in an autonomous vehicle. Something for everyone! Continue reading