What’s been going on

There is something about spring that seems to impact our co-hosts getting together.  Between the demands of work schedules, conferences, and holidays with friends and family I would like to apologize for the infrequency of our podcast.  At one point in time we had planned on having a bunch of reserve episodes in backup that we could post, but that is not really fair to you, the listeners.  So for this week, I am going to write a quick post about some interesting things I’ve seen lately. My schedule has been impacted by a bunch of customer visits and conferences … Continue reading

Episode 96 – The Professional Line Sitter

The Michael’s are back with a bit gamification for travel, we try and take a different approach then our prior episodes were we talked about how the Airline Industry was gaming boarding, and see if we can setup an on-line auction for improving your seating on the plane. Perhaps we can get a bit of advice from Zaboo and his seat saving network idea (see “The Guild” season 5). How can you make this game work for both the passenger and the airlines? When at restaurants can we figure out a way to swap locations in line? Can the Restaurant … Continue reading

Episode 91 – GraviTalent Interview

This week we have a special interview with the founders of GraviTalent from Hungary. Our co-host Michael Martine spends his final week in Hungary interviewing the founders: David Szilagyi and Balázs Vedres. GraviTalent uses gaming technology and play to help assess employees and skills for new startups and small companies. They measure work aptitude, attitude and cognitive style. Using examples like a spaghetti bridges and gravitational fields, GraviTalent helps attract like individuals and companies. The GraviTalent team is also building multi-player games so have better understanding of team dynamics, to help identify team synergies and compatibility to enhance the likelihood … Continue reading

Episode 84 – Engagement through Gamification

Sandy, Phaedra and Michael M. find the uncommon ties, to bring together people, planet & profitabiliy through the engagement power of gamification in this episode. The discussion spans Human Resoures, with Phaedra speaking in Paris this week, to Nike’s gamification ideas from the Harvard Business Review Game Jam, to Tesla’s strategy to deliver an electric car for everyone. The ideas spark and arc between the co-hosts around ways for how individuals can participate economically in the new opportunties that are opening up through the intersecting business models from Solar City, Schneider Electric and Tesla. Ideas on SMS-based gaming and local … Continue reading