Episode 358 – Metaversing

Opus the penguin, holding a tuba mouthpiece

Metaverse as a product? As a place? Or a moment? Life logging & open source software escrow as a means of historical preservation. @onepeloton’s #Lanebreak. And a dose of heavy metal tuba from Deathtöngue’s Bill the Cat & Opus Croakus. Rock on with @andypiper @michaelrowe01 & @carolinabigblue Continue reading

Episode 304 — Duly meh-ed

Welcome to Las Vegas sign

CES2021 VR, AR, smart glasses, N95 mask concept, monitor and robotic fish innovations. Buckaroo Banzai sequel & WandaVision new series. Continue reading

Episode 273 — Virtually There

When you can’t be there physically, #AR & #VR provide ways to be virtually there and connect with people over vast distances from Epic, Apple, Airbnb, Disney, Google & Spatial. Also the power of music to connect us all. Continue reading