e418 — What do you know about Reality?

Michael R and Andy grab their mics to chat all things rumored ahead of WWDC 2023. Continue reading

e417 — The Whimsical ChatGPT

control panel with echo volume, mic master volume and music volume knobs lit up with electric blue

stories about #VoiceBanking, #AI, @ForeverVoicesAI, @Meta, #ProjectAria, @BMW, @CuriousRefuge AI movie trailers, #Loki, #Halcyon and a whole lot more! Continue reading

e415 — Pushing Our Buttons

modern automotive interior with physical buttons

metaverse, VR, Horizon Worlds, Skeuomorphism, design, buttons, fake license plates, Hell of a Racket, Dune, 2une, DND, Babylon 5, The Guild Continue reading

e412 — 3D or not 3D

3D picture of a book with a silhouette of a face due to the folds of the paper and light shining on it

3D holograms & tv, #VR treadmill, populating a virtual small town with 25 #AI models, self healing code & runways, #ChatGPT #dnd & #jailbreak Continue reading