Time off for bad behavior

Well, it’s happened again… We missed another show, but we did think about some cool topics for next week. Phaedra and Michael will do a show next week all about Mars!!! So don’t space out, we will be back soon.

Episode 33 – Podcasters Make Bad Spellers – Verbally

We are back! Phaedra and the Michael’s are back for an exciting episode of games at work, and this week it’s all about pixelated pavlovian responses – and we don’t mention Waze once!. Michael get’s us all to play a few simple games to make a point about pavlovian responses. We start with the cute kitten in Rescue Rush – where you leverage local maps to help rescue animals. And once again, Michael M. shows that while he loves playing the game, he refuses to help the developers by making the obligatory in app purchase. Or is he just showing … Continue reading

Episode 32 – The New Year

The Michael’s kick off the new year with a few technical difficulties and some self quantification. Since many people start the new year with resolutions to lose a bit of weight, or get more healthy, etc. we decide that there are some really cool ways to game your health using new digital devices and gaming mechanics. Michael M tells us all about the cool experiences with the Jawbone Up, while Michael R gets excited about how well Downcast App works with the Apple TV he got for Christmas. We then jump over to an interesting discussion on how Production Support … Continue reading

Episode 31 – Gaming our Audience

Michael R and Phaedra B finally disprove the rumor that they are the same person by co-hosting a show together for the first time in a long time unfortunately Michael M. was unable to join us. We look at sites and games that are helping students learn more and teachers engage their students more. Sites like Brain Nock and Brain Pop aim to help pull students and teachers into competitions with other schools and classes. Thinking about the holidays makes us decide to brush up on our wine skills, with a few apps, including Blush and Bottlenotes, before we decide … Continue reading