Gaming the Bots!

As podcasters, @carolinabigblue and @michaelrowe01 have been pretty lucky.  We’ve been doing this between different shows since 2006.  I guess that makes us old timers in the world of podcasting.  In that time we’ve had the pleasure of having @Veronica Belmont on our show, and meeting her in person at least twice.  This has been a challenge given that the epicenter of podcasting appears to be San Francisco, and we are located in RTP, NC.

When we heard that she was moving into the world bots as a product manager for growbot, we just had to check it out.  Growbot monitors slack channels that you invite it to and captures metrics about employee performance.  As drones in the corporate world, our three co-hosts all have to deal with the periodic rankings and appraisals, and I for one am really bad at keeping track of all the positive things people tell me about work I am doing.   Imagine if Growbot could do that for me?

Of course, systems like this do have a challenge, people can game the system.  I tested this when I sent a “kudos” message as a repsonse to “kudos” I had received.  And growbot was smart enough to see what I was doing.

This was a fun test, and I loved the emoji that they are using for NO!

The other thought I had while playing with Growbot over the last few weeks is all about Flair.  If you’ve seen the movie “Office Space”, Jennifer Aniston’s character works at a theme restaurant where the servers are required to have buttons on their vests.  The buttons are considered “flair”.  She get’s a dressing down for not having enough flair on her vest.  I worry that if there is large corporate adoption of bots like growbot, we will end up with competitive situations where managers give you a dressing down for not having enough “kudos” this week.

In the mean time, I am enjoying playing with growbot on our podcast slack.  And I am sure that as they enhance the bot it will be more fun to figure out what makes a positive comment and what makes a negative.

What bots are you playing with lately?

Gotta engage ’em all – Pokemon Go for HR

Pokemon Go splash page

A tweet from earlier this week resonated with me — and a few others. Holger Müller ( @holgermu ) shared the following post: “Best line on #DisruptTV so far – @mikeettling – Waiting for PokemonGo app for HR – catch talent or a leader. ;-)”

Such an HR app would not just be focused solely on catching, it would include engaging and retaining as well. Novel ways of catching the attention of prospective employees, whether through puzzles, code breaking or alternate reality games have worked well, and augmented reality lends itself well as a technology to do the same. What would employee engagement and retention look like through the use of augmented reality? How could augmented reality be used for aligning strategy to employee action? What if there was a new product line that required a different sales approach… Could this HR app be used to identify ideas for how to attract the right kinds of people who are most aligned to the offering and sales approach?

Much to think about… What are your ideas?

Stay alert at all times and be aware of your surroundings!  Happy hunting.

Episode 143 – RIP Mr. Garibaldi

On a special Saturday afternoon, your intrepid Co-Hosts Michael and Michael get together to talk about the latest in gaming, business and technology. We promised not to talk too much about Pokémon Go, but spend our time talking about engaging users. How do you engage your users? One of us also waxes poetically about the passing of Babylon 5’s security chief – Mr. Garibaldi.

Show Links:
Gamifying the Election
More Magic PR
The delay of Pokémon Go accessory
Pokemon Go Desktop Map
Second Life Sears Tour
Human Resource Machine
RIP Mr. Garibaldi

playing anything?

Listener Feedback Section:
Should we do more blog entries?

Blog posts verses podcasts

Hi!  Your co-host and co-founder of GamesAtWork.Biz here – Michael R.  I know we’ve not been very good lately at posting shows and I wanted to just drop a note to say we are still around.  For some reason 2016 has been crazy for all of us at  Crazy with Travel, Crazy with day jobs, and Crazy in our personal lives. One of the big questions I have is, as a listener to this podcast would you be interested if we posted some blog posts on those weeks when we are unable to record a show?  I know we’ve talked about posting reviews for games we are playing… but haven’t had time to get around to them, so I am not promising anything; however, would it be interesting if we get our co-hosts to post about events we are attending, games we are playing, and/or other interesting things that come to our minds.  Let us know what you think.  Hit us up on twitter, drop us an email, comment on this post, or rate us on the iTunes Store.  Thanks… now back to your regularly scheduled weekend.