Episode 246 — Ninja Stealth Robots

robotic helmet

Rising suns! I pity the fool who doesn’t want to check out these parkour robots, VR avatars, watch, phone and console apps or immersive play at Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge. Continue reading

Episode 215 – Great Jumpin Robots

From parking tickets to parkour, robots are excelling at anything they put their artificial intelligence to. Continue reading

Episode 154 – Heroic Wearable Brain Robots

Michael and Michael share their insight on games for good, specifically on games that have an additional benefit to the fun of playing them.  Sea Hero Quest is a game sponsored by Deutsche Telekom together with University College London, University of East Anglia and Alzheimer’s Research to help with early diagnosis of dementia.  Michael and Michael discuss the possibilities of a software layer which could be placed on top of (or alongside) other games that could capture similar data points for researchers. The pair then turn to wearables, and the interesting way that mobile and Internet of Things devices can … Continue reading